Your initial default warehouse will have been created at the same time as your Retailer account. If you wish to create one or more additional warehouses (for example, if you wish to have different carriers picking consignments up from different locations or countries), then you should now create records for these other locations.
The term 'warehouse' in Delivery Manager might also refer to a store or third party logistics provider - i.e. any location from which you are shipping orders.
Log into the Delivery Manager Delta environment using the Administrator Login and Password that were generated when your account was set up. Only once your configuration is working satisfactorily in the Delta environment, should you copy it to your own Production environment.
Click Setup:
Proceed as follows:
Move down to the Warehouses panel and click the button of the same name:
Your existing warehouses are listed on the Setup Warehouses page. To create another warehouse, click Create Warehouse on the right hand side of the screen.
Fill in all the Warehouse Details that are requested, referring as required to Configuring your Default Warehouse, and add the dates of any holidays when collections will not be possible. This allows the Allocation engine to exclude the associated carrier services on the days when the warehouse is closed.
Click Save at the top of the screen.
Your new warehouse is displayed on the Setup Warehouses page.
If you wish to create another warehouse, proceed from step 3. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
If you wish one of the newly created warehouses to be the default warehouse, refer to Changing your Default Warehouse.
If you need to create further users and lock them to the additional warehouses, refer to Adding New Users.
Configuring your Default Warehouse
Adding Warehouses and Changing your Default Warehouse (Optional)
Configuring your Carrier Services
Setting up the Carrier Charges (Only required if displaying charges via Delivery Options)
Creating your Carrier 'Service Groups' (Optional but recommended)
Adding New Users and Locking a User to a Warehouse (Optional)