How to get the most from Intelligence

To get the most from Metapack Intelligence we strongly recommend including these fields in Delivery Manager.

  • Populate customer delivery promise - This is an optional field in Delivery Manager that is required if you want to display the delivery promise reporting in Intelligence.

    To ensure you can see how often you are meeting your customer delivery promises, add the committedDeliveryWindow parameter to your API call when creating your consignments, e.g.

    This snippet relates to SOAP API calls only:

    <committedDeliveryWindow xsi:type="ns2:DateRange">
    <from xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2020-11-24T18:30:00.000Z
    <to xsi:type="xsd:dateTime">2020-11-25T18:30:00.000Z</to>

    This next snippet relates to REST API calls. Learn more on our developer's page for REST API Consignments.

    { "consignment": { "committedDeliveryWindow": 
    { "from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", 
    "to": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } }, }
  • Include order reference - It will be beneficial for you when it comes to reconciling shipments against orders.

  • Review transit times - You’ll need to review these to ensure they are in line with your expectations.

  • Provide accurate parcel weight and dimensions - This ensures you get accurate data when using the parcel profiling reports.

  • Use service groups to define shipping channels - This will make it easier to identify and compare different types of shipments.

Setup Checklist

  1. Validate your carrier tracking data

  2. Get the most from Intelligence.