Validating your Carrier Tracking Data

Metapack Intelligence relies on tracking data provided by external carrier systems to populate reports.

Metapack does not hold direct contracts with the carriers. So, Metapack can make no guarantees as to the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of such data, this sits with the carrier.

However, as a retailer or shipper, you can influence the quality of the data by checking and enforcing your carrier’s contract terms.

Following a few weeks of carrier events, you can run Intelligence's Data Quality reports to ensure that you are getting the tracking data from that you expect from your carriers:

  • Carrier Delivery Confirmation Rate

  • Carrier Tracking Latency

  • Carrier Event Mapping

These reports will highlight any problems with your carriers' data. If there are long time lags between carrier events or if you are not being notified of some events at all, then this will affect the reporting data shown in Intelligence.

If there is missing tracking for a carrier service please raise a support ticket on the Metapack Support portal.

Setup Checklist

  1. Validate your carrier tracking data

  2. How to get the most from Intelligence