Creating a Templated Advert

To create a templated advert, first ensure that you are in Edit Mode and that you have clicked Edit Panel with your mouse over the advert panel (refer to Add Content to your Branded Page).

Selecting Templated as your advert type

If you haven’t yet selected an advert type it will ask you to select one of two types:

  1. Image-based adverts

  2. Templated adverts

Choose Templated Advert then click Continue.


If you have previously selected the Image-based advert type, you can switch to the Templated Advert by clicking Switch to templated advert style located at the top right of the modal.


Uploading background images

When selecting a background image, it's best to use one that doesn’t contain any text. Especially over the left-hand side of the image, as this may be covered by the content panel.

To upload an image, first, click on the tab Background image at the top of the modal.


To ensure that your advert is responsive to both desktop and mobile devices, you should upload the background image in two different sizes:

  1. For the desktop version, click Large screen and upload an image of width 1968 pixels x height 800 pixels.

  2. For the smartphone version, click Mobile and upload an image of width 640 pixels x height 800 pixels.

Images must be uploaded in either JPG or PNG format. The maximum file size allowed is 2 mb.

Images must be of the exact dimensions specified above, to maintain quality and image ratios.

Click Add image to select your image and upload it.

Setting the Advert URL and Alt tag

Once you have selected your chosen image for the advert you can:

  • Add an Image alt tag for accessibility purposes

  • Add a Content URL to create a clickable link related to the advert content


Adding Messaging and a CTA (Call to Action)

The Content panel allows you to overlay a white panel on the left-hand side of your background image.

To add messaging and a CTA, first click on the tab Content panel at the top of the modal.


You can then add header text, a button with a label, and a URL to create a clickable advert link by:

  • Entering up to 80 characters describing the advert, Under Content panel text

  • Create a CTA of up to 25 characters, under Button label

  • Choosing the button design you want, under Select button style

  • Set a web link for the advert, under Content URL



If you wish to change the button colours, you will need to rerun the wizard and go through the Button colours step.

Click Save and close to store your changes.