Delivery Tracker is managed through an admin. portal that allows you to set up and edit tracking pages.
User Roles
To access the portal, you need a Delivery Manager user account with one of two user roles assigned to it:
This role allows you to create and edit brands and page content, ready for a Publisher.
This role allows you to not only do all the things that an Editor can do, but also push the brands and page content live.
Requesting New Users
Your Metapack implementation consultant will create your Delivery Manager user accounts and permissions during the setup stage. If you need to make any changes to users and their assigned roles post-setup, please contact Support.
Logging into the Admin. Portal
Once you have a Delivery Manager user account with an Editor or Publisher role assigned to it, you can access the admin. portal as follows:
Log into Delivery Manager.
Click Setup.
Click the Manage Tracking button under Delivery Tracker:
You are then taken to the home page of the Delivery Tracker admin portal (Manage Brands) from where you can set up a new brand.