Regardless of whether you are an Editor or Publisher, you can preview your modified page for any of the different device types listed under View:
Because you will have uploaded different versions of your adverts for different devices, it is important that you preview the page for both Mobile and Tablet devices, as well as PCs (Large screen).
Previewing different versions of your Tracking Page
If the site is already live, and you wish to compare the previewed version with the current live version, you can click on Live page in the header. This will open the current site in a new window so that you can perform a side-by-side comparison before publishing your latest updates.
To change the language of the previewed page, select the language in the top right hand corner of the brand header (refer also to How can Consumers change the page's language? and Additional Languages.
Final step
Once you are happy with your edits, proceed according to your role, i.e.
If you are an Editor, click Share Preview at the top of the screen. You can then copy the link to your clipboard in order to email it to a Publisher for final review and publishing:
If you are a Publisher, proceed as in Publish your Page.