Default Language

The next step in the wizard requires you to select a default language for your branded tracking page.


After you have completed this step, you will not be able to change the default language of your branded tracking page without raising a support ticket, so please ensure that you are happy with your selection before you proceed to the next step.

This step is mandatory because Delivery Tracker needs to know which language to use in the following situations:

  • By default, the settings of a consumer's web browser determine automatically the language used to display your branded tracking page. However, if that language is not supported by Delivery Tracker, the default language selected by you while completing this step will be used instead to display your branded tracking page.

  • If you have provided translated content for the optional panels, this will be used automatically. However, if translated content has not been provided, content from the default language selected by you while completing this step will be used instead.


In the drop-down list (refer to Additional Languages), select the default language from the list of currently supported languages.


For information about how to upload translations for messages in editable panels, refer to Manage Translations.

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