Allocating bulk Consignments

In the previous section, we created and allocated an individual consignment. However, it is possible to perform bulk allocation, using the options displayed by clicking the Advanced button on the Consignments Home page.

This topic shows you how to allocate multiple orders by allowing the allocation engine to automatically select the best available carrier for each selected order, either within a particular order type or group, or taking into account all available services and applying the following logic to each consignment in turn:

  1. Prioritised service (if one has been selected automatically via the Carrier Allocation Rules).

  2. Shipping cost (the system will always try and select the cheapest service where there is no prioritised service).

  3. Earliest despatch (if two services cost the same, the one that leaves the warehouse first will be chosen).

  4. Earliest delivery (if two services cost the same and leave the warehouse at the same time, the one that can deliver first is selected),


Log into the Delivery Manager Delta environment using either the Administrator Login and Password or one of the user accounts that were created:

Click Home and then select the Unallocated status, followed by Search, to display the orders that are yet to be allocated to carriers, e.g.


Bulk Allocation

Proceed as follows to perform a bulk allocation:

  1. In the left hand column in the above screenshot, tick the boxes against the required consignments.

  2. Click on the Advanced button shown above to display the available bulk options.

  3. Click Allocate Best Carrier to display the following popup menu:

  4. Click Service Type or Service Group, as required, and either select the required type or group of service, or leave the selections blank for all available services to be considered.

  5. Click Allocate. You are asked to confirm that you wish the selected consignments to be allocated to the best available carrier.

  6. Click OK to continue through the Allocation Filter. The Bulk Allocate screen is displayed to show you the progress of the allocation.

  7. The selected unallocated orders now have a Status of Allocated.


    If you are unhappy with any of the system allocations, you can always use the bulk Deallocate consignments option in the Advanced menu shown at step 2.