Adding New Users

Unless you are going to do everything through the administrative user that was set up automatically when you created the retailer account, you need to create an account for each of the users at the different warehouses who will be allocating consignments.


Log into the Delivery Manager Delta environment using the Administrator Login and Password that were generated when your account was set up. Only once your configuration is working satisfactorily in the Delta environment, should you copy it to your own Production environment.

Click Setup:


User Account Setup

Proceed as follows to create the first user account:

  1. Move down to the User Accounts panel and click the button of the same name:

  2. On the Setup Users page that is displayed, click Create User on the right hand side of the screen.

  3. Fill in all the User Details:



    Make sure you make a note of the Login and Password.

  4. You can skip the Groups panel if the new user does not require any special permissions, as the new user is automatically added to the standard Users group, However, if the user requires special permissions, e.g. because they will be responsible for running the Shipping API (refer to Creating your API User), then add the required group(s) (e.g. API). You do this by using the Add button to move the group(s) for which the user requires permissions, from the Available Groups column to the Member of column:

  5. Move to the Warehouses panel at the bottom of the screen. You will note that the new user is not currently locked to any warehouse. Use the Add button to move the warehouse for which the user will be making allocations, from the Available Warehouses column to the Member of column:



    By default, the Member of column is empty, and this means that, in Delivery Manager, the new user automatically has access to all warehouse locations, being not yet locked to any of them.

    This default situation is recommended if the new user in the Admin group, as, if the user was to be locked to a particular warehouse, and was then to create another warehouse, they would be unable to gain access to it.

    However, if the new user is in the standard Users group, then that user should be locked to a warehouse by that warehouse being moved to the Member of column.

  6. Click Save at the top of the screen.

  7. Your new user is displayed on the Setup Users page.

  8. If you wish to create another non-administrative user, proceed from step 3. Otherwise, either return to Setup or log out.


    It is highly recommended, for reasons of traceability, that there should be a separate user account dedicated to each person using the Shipping SOAP API. These accounts should not be locked to a warehouse and, as such, should be distinct from the other user accounts set up in the Shipping Configuration.

Getting started

  1. Configuring your Default Warehouse

  2. Adding Warehouses and Changing your Default Warehouse (Optional)

  3. Adding Carriers to your Account

  4. Selecting your Carriers and Services in the GUI

  5. Configuring your Carrier Services

    1. Setting up the Carrier Costs

    2. Setting up the Carrier Charges (Only required if displaying charges via Delivery Options)

  6. Activating your Carrier Services

  7. Creating your Carrier 'Service Groups' (Optional but recommended)

  8. Creating and allocating a test Consignment

  9. Adding New Users and Locking a User to a Warehouse (Optional)