Release Notes for January 2023

Enhancements (Cog_High_Green_Touchup.png) and fixes (Bug_High_Yellow_Touchup_Darker.png) released in January 2023

Delivery Tracker can now display tracking information for returns

Whether you’re a Delivery Manager or a stand-alone customer you can now display Returns in Delivery Tracker by integrating via our Tracking API.

For more information on how to integrate, please consult the Tracking API quick start and the Track your returns article in the Dev Centre.

Delivery Tracker

Improved performance of aggregated reports

Housekeeping was performed on Delivery Intelligence so that shipments despatched prior 2020 no longer appear in the aggregated reports.

This change has improved performance and load speeds of the aggregate reports.

Delivery Intelligence

Changes made to definitions for 'Scanned into Network'

Changes were made to the definitions for 'Scanned into Network' which corrected a bug where the event 'Delivery company collected parcel' was not correctly treated as picked up by the carrier if this was the last event received.

This has been resolved so that this event correctly registers as scanned in to network within Metapack Intelligence.

Metapack Intelligence


  • Several updates/enhancements to the Bring Parcels AB, Colis Privé, GLS, Hermes Cross Border and Evri carrier modules.