Yes. For more information, contact iDyam Solutions.
Below are two examples of how the integration can be upgraded, extended, or customised.
Adding event handling in Packing Shipments app
Minor additional development is (probably) required to process the user input on the packing bench
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"ngr Packing Helper", 'OnPackBenchInput', '', true, true)] local procedure OnPackBenchInput(ConsignDoc: Record "ngr Consignment Doc"; Allowed: List of [Enum "ngr Bench Action"]; var Handled: Boolean; var Input: Text) begin // "Allowed" = list of valid actions, e.g.: if (Allowed.Contains("ngr Bench Action"::"/SaleDoc")) then ... // "Handled" = set to true if you are changing the "Input". // "Input" = the original input from the user, which your code could now change, e.g.: if you can find // a document associated with the input then change this to be the found document number. end;
Adding special delivery instructions in Metapack Essential
Minor additional development is required to extract the instructions text(s) for each specified order/shipment within the following event subscriber function.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"mpk Essentials Setup", 'OnGetSpecialInstructions', '', false, false)] local procedure OnGetSpecialInstruct(WhseShipDoc: Code[20]; SourceTable: Integer; Subtype: Integer; SourceNum: Code[20]; var Instruct1: Text; var Instruct2: Text) begin // Populate the Instruct1 and Instruct2 texts from the specified warehouse shipment / order (line) document. end;
Microsoft partner iDyam Solutions is the chosen partner of Metapack for this integration. iDyam Solutions can provide installation, training, and other services for the integration.
Contact Metapack Support.