Release Notes for May 2022

Enhancements (Cog_High_Green_Touchup.png) and fixes (Bug_High_Yellow_Touchup_Darker.png) released in May 2022

New carrier module for D Express

D Express is a domestic delivery specialist for the Serbian market. The integration covers home and PUDO deliveries, so as Return services.

Delivery Manager

New native carrier integration for Zedify

Zedify is based in the United Kingdom and provides sustainable last-mile delivery services for eCommerce and retail. The integration covers same-day and next-day delivery services in the UK.

Delivery Manager

New Tracking API is now at v1.0.0

The Tracking API is now at version 1.0.0 in both sandbox and production and thus is no longer a release candidate. For information about the API, go to

Tracking API

Usability improvements in Delivery Tracker

The user interface of Delivery Tracker has been enhanced as follows:

  • Delivery Tracker now validates link fields to ensure that only valid link types are entered. Valid link types include http://https://mailto:, and tel:.

  • When using a mobile phone with a screen width less than 768 pixels to access Delivery Tracker, a panel now becomes expandable if its height exceeds 300 pixels.

  • The tooltip text for managing advert images has been improved.

  • When using Delivery Manager to log into Delivery Tracker, login errors are now more descriptive to facilitate troubleshooting.

Delivery Tracker


Advance notice about a change to postcode search in Delivery Manager

After June 2022, the Postcode Search button in Delivery Manager will stop working.