Configuring the Blue Yonder Discrete WMS Integration

Complete the following steps after Discrete WMS has been installed:

  1. Restart your environment.

  2. Using the Blue Yonder user interface, configure site-specific settings as follows:

    1. Under Configuration > Integration > General Integration Metapack APIs, set Is Warehouse Management with Parcel? to Yes.

    2. Under Configuration > Outbound > Shipping > Parcel, in the Parcel Service field, enter the URL of the WMS instance.

    3. Under Configuration > Outbound > Picking > Pick Cartonization > Cartons, set up parcel carton dimensions that will be used at packing benches.

    4. Define appropriate movement zones and movement paths specific to your warehouse(s) and the required packing benches and printers.

    5. Under Configuration > Partners > Existing Carriers, set up your carriers and the appropriate service levels as agreed with Metapack.

    6. Under Configuration > Partners > Service Levels, set up the appropriate service levels as agreed with Metapack.

    7. Under Configuration > Partners > Carrier Cross Reference, define each each carrier and service in the carrier cross reference table.

  3. Test the integration.


Discrete WMS supports only 10-character carrier names and service levels, so the cross reference allows the Discrete WMS values to be matched to the values defined by Metapack.

The dummy carrier is used on the outbound order together with the Service Group that is set up in the Metapack Platform.

The service group determines which carriers and specific service levels will be used by the SOAP Shipping API to allocate a consignment with the best carrier.