Blue Yonder Discrete WMS Integration FAQ

Does this integration have any administration capabilities?

No, this integration cannot be used to administer users, data, or other Metapack SOAP Shipping API integrations.

Does this integration require any data migration?

No, data migration issues are not relevant to this integration.

Does this integration support data retention?

Yes. Retention/archiving of labels and customs documents is your responsibility. PDF and ZPL labels and other documents are stored in the LES directory of the WMS software (\LES\files\metapack).

Does this integration support data purging?

Yes. Use the supplied purge command to purge the custom metapack_manfst table.

Use the standard WMS software purging/archiving processes to purge all other data.

Can this integration be upgraded, extended, or customised?

The integration can be changed by Metapack liaising with Blue Yonder partner REPL, which built the integration and is a Blue Yonder partner.

Any changes, including maintenance requests, will be treated as change requests.

How do I troubleshoot this integration?

If your use-cases are covered by the integration, you are unlikely to experience any problems while using the integration.

For example, the integration does not support parent-child linking, which means that you cannot use the integration for cartonisation.

Who supports this integration?

Blue Yonder partner REPL provides Metapack with bug fix support for this integration.

How do I report a problem with this integration?

Contact Metapack Support.