Configuring Delivery Manager for PTS

PTS relies on carrier event feeds sent from Delivery Manager. You therefore need to ensure that Delivery Manager is set up correctly.

We recommend that you:

  1. Ensure that your carriers and services are set up correctly.


    As part of this process, the Carrier Connection Details need to be fully completed so that the tracking status update files can be downloaded from the carriers.

  2. Verify that your consignments are being created in Delivery Manager using the requisite level of parcel and product information in the API calls.

  3. Verify that your consignments are being allocated and manifested to the required carrier services, and ensure that tracking information is being generated.


    Useful methods for verifying tracking information are findConsignmentsByCarrierConsignmentCode and findConsignmentsOnManifest. Look for the trackingCode and trackingURL, e.g.

    <trackingCode xsi:type="soapenc:string">6803588000017606</trackingCode>
    <trackingUrl xsi:type="soapenc:string"></trackingUrl>