Enhancements () and fixes () released in August 2020
New Carrier Integration for Amazon Shipping. A new integration has been created for Amazon Shipping, with a single carrier service - Next Day delivery. It is only available for use with UK domestic shipping. |
Delivery Manager |
New Carrier Integration for Boxberry. Boxberry is a Russian carrier. The new integration contains two carrier services:
Delivery Manager |
The Parent-Child relationship is now visible in linked consignments. Previously, the link between the outer and inner parcels in linked consignments was not visible owing to the The data is now being populated in the Parcel object, and can be interrogated by the methods in the |
Delivery Manager |
Postman Collection of Options requests available from the Help Centre. If you click here in the Help Center, you can find a Run in Postman button. Assuming that you have Postman installed, this button allows you to download a parameterised collection of APi requests. If you have a Delivery Options API key, you can then run the requests in order to get a feel for some of the major functions of Delivery Options. |
Delivery Options |