At various points in this documentation, there are requests to display consignments at a particular status. For example, "Click Home and then select the Unallocated status, followed by Search, to display the orders that are yet to be allocated to carriers," - refer to Allocating an individual Consignment.
Unless you are using the Consignment Search Service through the API, the Search is always made on the Delivery Manager Home screen:
Most of the time you can simply select the required Status from the drop-down:
Then leave the default All Carriers selected, and click Search. This will return all consignments at a particular status that were created within the last 15 days (however, refer to the note at the bottom of the article).
You can also search for specific consignments using two further filtering methods:
Filtering by Consignment details (e.g. Order Number, top left of the Search area).
Filtering by the Advanced Search (below the Search button).
Filtering by Consignment details
You can search by any of the following fields using the drop-down on the top left of the Search area (the default is Order Number):
Filtering by the Advanced Search
You can search by any of the following fields after clicking Advanced Search below the Search button:
Pay particular attention to the Limit to consignments created within the last 15 days flag at the bottom of the screen. This is selected by default, and, if it remains selected, you will not see consignments created over 2 weeks ago.
To collapse the Advanced Search fields and lose the current search criteria, click the Reset button