The methods in this service allow you to mark consignments as ready to manifest, and to create and send manifests. They are as follows:
createManifest - This method adds the 'Ready to Manifest' consignments that are due to be despatched today, to a manifest.
createManifestAsPdf - This method allows you to generate an existing manifest in a Base64-encoded format, for conversion into a PDF.
createManifestForFutureDespatch - This method allows you to add 'Ready to Manifest' consignments to a post-dated manifest.
findConsignmentsOnManifest - This method allows you to return all the consignments that are associated with a particular manifest number.
Royal Mail Services - This method allows you to return historic manifests.
markManifestGroupReadyToManifest - For those sellers who wish their workflow to move to 'Printed' after label printing instead of 'Ready to manifest' (refer to How do I Print and Manifest separately?), this method allows you to flag all the 'Printed' consignments within a manifest group (refer to addConsignmentsToGroup) as 'Ready to Manifest'.