
Welcome to the Help for Metapack's Delivery Manager

Learn what this product does, how it works, and how to get set up…

How does Delivery Manager allow me to ship?

Delivery Manager has a range of GUI options that allow you to import your orders, create and allocate consignments from them, and then generate the appropriate shipping labels, customs documents and manifest details.

By linking to the logic created via Shipping: Setup and its carrier allocation rules, you can allow Delivery Manager to automatically select the best carrier service for each parcel.

Creating consignments via the GUI is the best way of testing out your shipping logic and verifying the labels with your carriers, before creating consignments in bulk. However, once everything is working satisfactorily, the recommended way of proceeding is to perform the corresponding operations through the Shipping API, right through from consignment creation to the generation of the associated paperwork.

How can I learn more?

If you are not yet a Delivery Manager customer, you can contact our sales team to arrange a consultation, either online or in person, at a time that best suits you.

If you are an existing customer, and need help with the product, click here for support.

How do I get set up?

Before you can create any consignments, you need to work right through Platform Setup to create your Delivery Manager account and configure your warehouses, carriers, carrier services and allocation rules.