Proceed as follows to generate a manifest containing all the consignments that are scheduled to be shipped on a particular date, by a selected carrier:
Click Manifests at the top of the screen, followed by Ready to Manifest. All the consignments that are ready to be manifested are grouped by despatch date (the default is today's date).
Use the filter at the top of the screen to select the required date, warehouse(s), Manifest Group Code(s) (refer to Scanning Consignments to a Trailer), and despatch date:
The consignments that are due to be despatched on or before the selected date are grouped by warehouse, Manifest Group Code and carrier.
Once the filtered options have been set as required, click Send on the right of the screen next to the required warehouse/group code/carrier combination.
You will be asked to confirm the action, as it cannot be undone. The consignments are then manifested and a timer is displayed on screen.
Once the manifest has been generated, a print dialog is displayed so that you can print off both the summary manifest and the details of the individual parcels.
An electronic version of the manifest is emailed to the person whose email address is set up under the manifest carrier connection.
The system tries to upload the manifest to the carrier using the details set up under the manifest carrier connection.
The manifest can now be found under the Historic Manifests tab:
Click the Print icon if you wish to print off further copies of the manifest. Click the Resend button If you receive an email notifying you that the automatic send failed.