Designing your Front End

You will need to decide how the delivery options returned by the API calls are to be presented in your website's front end, and at what stage(s) of the consumer journey.

For examples of the calls and what might be returned, refer to Best Practice and Use Case Examples. Typically, the options that are returned will be presented at the end of the checkout process in some sort of clickable grid (depending on what is selected as the Return Type). However, the options can be presented at different stages of the consumer journey, and in varying formats.


Your Metapack implementation consultant may be able to advise you on ways in which you can lay out the different options.

You should consult your front end developers to ensure that the JSON responses containing the options are parsed appropriately so that they are rendered as required for presentation at each required stage of the consumer journey:


For each carrier service returned as a delivery option, the following are included:


Remember that the options will need localising from English (UK) into the appropriate languages, date formats, etc. for your overseas consumers.