Void Call (MAO & MAWM)

  1. When a user voids a package, the Metapack component is invoked.

    The Metapack component checks the package's extended attribute to see if the package has already been manifested, using the new extended attribute field on the package - MetaPackIsManifested:

    • If the package is marked as manifested (Shipment.Packages.Extended.MetaPackIsManifested = 1) in MAO/MAWM, then an error is displayed to the user that the package has already been manifested.

  2. If the package has not been marked as manifested in MAO/MAWM, then the MAO and MAWM data elements are mapped to the Metapack attributes on the MAWM/MAO interface, and an XML request is generated and posted to Delivery Manager.

  3. The request is processed by Delivery Manager, which attempts to remove the package from the carrier manifest based on the Consignment code sent.

  4. The custom Metapack component converts the response into MAO/MAWM format.

  5. The package is updated with the Delivery Manager Void response. If there is a failed response from Delivery Manager, the error is displayed to the user, who can then retry the Void call from the UI screen.


In MAWM and MAO, a user can change the Shipping method once the Consignment has been created. If this occurs, Delivery Manager expects a Void call to be triggered to remove that package from the carrier’s open manifest.

In MAWM, a user can cancel a package from the UI screen after the Consignment has been created (but before manifesting). If this occurs, Delivery Manager expects a Void call to be triggered to remove that package from a carrier’s open manifest. It is not possible to void a package from the UI after the Consignment has been created via the base MAO screens.