Proceed as follows.
Create an order with all the required details, including Order Product and Order Delivery Group.
Click Activate on the Order record page to initiate the order management flow:
The order is generated and the following records are created automatically in Salesforce:
Order Summary from the Order, and Order Product Summaries from the Order Product.
Fulfillment Order from the Order Summary , and Fulfillment Order Product from the Order Product Summaries.
Now that you have created a Fulfillment Order, this can be referred to on the order's Related list, e.g.
If you wish to include return address details, tick the 'Include Return Address' checkbox on the Fulfillment Order object.
If you wish to create a Return (as opposed to a Delivery), tick the 'Return Order' checkbox. The shipping address is mandatory for a return order, and the 'Delivery To Address' is the warehouse address.
You can now change any details before connecting to the Metapack Shipping API. Once you have made all your changes, click Create Shipping Labels:
For the use of Create Shipping Labels and Delete Consignment in the above screenshot, refer to Interacting with the Metapack Shipping SOAP API.
The Consignment is created and the required details are captured from the Metapack Delivery Manager response, e.g. the Consignment code, Carrier name, etc.
These details are held on the object Consignment –