Once an Order has been created, together with an associated Fulfillment Order record, you can use the following two buttons on the Fulfillment Order object record to return and remove Metapack Shipping SOAP API labels:
Create Shipping Labels - Sends the Fulfillment Order record and related Shipment records to the Metapack Shipping API. Also creates an attachment with the shipping labels on the related Consignment record (refer to Creating a Consignment).
The following specific fields will need to be populated - otherwise, the process will fail. If these are not available, the process will automatically use the defaults in the custom metadata (refer to
XML Response Attribute
Consignment Level Details Flag
Consignment Value
Consignment Weight
Max Dimension
Order Number
Parcel Count
Recipient Address
Recipient Name
Sender Address
Sender Name
You can also change the status on the Fulfillment Order record to ‘Despatched’ to generate the Shipping API labels.
Delete Consignment - Deallocates a Consignment record and deletes it from Metapack Delivery Manager. It also:
disassociates the Consignment record from the Shipment and removes the label from the consignment;
removes the Consignment code, order number and tracking details from the Consignment and Shipment records.
It does not delete the Consignment record within Salesforce. Instead, it keeps it linked to the Fulfillment Order record with a ‘Deleted’ status.