Quick filters ('slicers') are used to 'slice' the current dataset by using a single click to filter it by to month/week, 'service group' and market.
Month/Week slicer
This allows you to select an individual month or ISO week for which you wish to show data. The time period is usually determined by the underlying data period, with monthly slicers featuring in reports using aggregated parcel counts, and weekly slicers featuring in reports using using 50-day transactional data where you can drill through.
These time frames may not be complete. For example, if you select a Manifest Date Range of 30th Jan to 3rd Mar, then Jan, Feb and Mar would all appear even though Jan and Mar are incomplete months.
This also applies to ISO weeks where selected dates do not fall at the beginning or end of a week.
For a month slicer, simply select the required month:
The report data is filtered to show only the results for the particular month:
The week slicer allows you to select an individual ISO week for which you wish to show data:
When you click on the week, the report data is filtered to show only the results for the particular week,
For certain reports, e.g. the Carrier Review and Carrier Performance by Delivery Date, there is a drill through link at the bottom of the week 'quick filter' when you hover over it, e.g.
Clicking on this allows you to view individual parcels.
You click once to select a particular filter, and once more to release it. To clear a multiple selection, click multiple times.
Refer also to Undo/Redo and Revert.
For the Keep Only and Exclude options that are displayed when you hover over the filter, refer to the Keep Only/Exclude switch.
'Service Group' slicer
This allows you to slice the data by the 'service groups' defined in your Shipping Platform setup.
Typical 'service groups' are those that reflect service bands e.g. 'Express Delivery', 'International', 'Standard Delivery', 'Next Day', 'Time Slot', 'Weekend', etc.
When you click on a 'service group', the report data is filtered to show only the results for that 'service group', e.g.
You simply click again to clear the filter. To clear a multiple selection, click multiple times. You can also select Undo/Redo to clear a filter.
For the Keep Only and Exclude options that are displayed when you hover over the filter, refer to the Keep Only/Exclude switch.
Market slicer
The market slicer allows you to quickly filter by destination:
When you click on a market, the current dataset is reduced to show only the results for the associated destination, e.g.
You simply click again to clear the filter. To clear a multiple selection, click multiple times. You can also select Undo/Redo to clear a filter.
For the Keep Only and Exclude options that are displayed when you hover over the filter, refer to the Keep Only/Exclude switch.
Multiple selection
It is possible to select a filter comprised of multiple values, by holding down the [CTRL] key while selecting them with the mouse, e.g.
For the Keep Only and Exclude options that are displayed when you hover over the filter, refer to the Keep Only/Exclude switch.