In addition to the global filters previously described, the report provides the following Metric switch in the left hand corner of the page:
It allows you to select whether to display data by Weight Group or Volume Group and whether Average or Manifested values are to be shown. The options work in conjunction with the bands within the Parcel Weight and Parcel Volume filters.
The columns in the resultant report reflect the Metric switch setting, moving between:
Manifested by Weight Group (Kg) – the rows show the number of packages despatched within each of the weight bands specified using the Parcel Weight filter.
Average weight per group (Kg) – the rows show the average mean weight (in Kg) of the packages in the current dataset within each of the weight bands specified using the Parcel Weight filter.
Manifested by Volume Group – the rows show the number of packages despatched within each of the volume bands specified using the Parcel Volume filter.
Average Volume per Group – the rows show the average volume (in cubic metres) of the packages in the current dataset within each of the volume bands specified using the Parcel Volume filter.