Set up User Role

The Notifications Webhook is managed through an admin portal. This allows you to create, test, edit and save your webhook URL to the destination Metapack will send your status update notifications.

  1. To access the admin portal, you need a Delivery Manager user account with this user role assigned to it.

    Notifications Admin

    This role allows you to configure the webhook endpoint to where you will receive notifications.

    Requesting New Users

    Your Metapack implementation consultant will create your Delivery Manager user accounts and permissions during the setup stage. If you need to make any changes to users and their assigned roles after setup, please contact support.

  2. Once you have a Delivery Manager user account with a Notifications Admin role assigned to it, you can access the admin portal as follows:

    • Log into Delivery Manager

    • Click Setup:

    • Click the Manage My Notfications button under Notifications:

    • You're then taken to the Notifications Webhook homepage where you can, create, edit, test and delete your webhooks.

Getting started

To get started with the Notifications Webhook, there are 2 key steps to follow: